This is the place you get to see the most different photos of Nick. He is so versatile and this is exactly what I want to show you.

These pictures were taken during a commercial shoot. The copyright is up to Andreas Stadel. Feel free to visit his websiten. Stadel Photography

The different shades of Nick, showing his versatility.

Picture down right: Martin Gruber, Nick (Screencaps)
Nick had the episode lead role of Thomas Grube in 2015 on the german TV-Series “Hubert und Staller”, in the episode “Tod an Loch 6”.
Nick as Taylor in the motion picture Stargate.

Nick is always on track!

Nick won the world champion title in tandem windsurfing back in 1977. Surfing is one of his biggest passion and at the age of 25 he started in Denmark his first own windsurfing school. Six years later in 1983 he opened up „Windsurfing Madness“ in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Nick was lucky enough to meet Martin Scorsese at the Mariott Hotel in Los Angeles December 1993.